Foreign Celebrity's like RIHANNA, GRETA giving their opinions on the new Farm laws of INDIA are sounding like "A VIRGIN TEACHING A MOTHER HOW TO PRODUCE KIDS" Does these so called foreign celebrities have iota of idea what is the federal structure of INDIA, how farming is done here, what are the challenges of our farmers and what are they fighting for. Probably they may not be able to even differentiate between the seeds of RICE & WHEAT but they are ready to plant the seeds of conflict and hatred among fellow Indians.

Most unfortunate part is many of our friends in India are taking it as a BIG SUPPORT without realizing the fact that they are allowing outsiders to invade our own house. Just because they are speaking in favor of protest doesn't mean they really understand the real challenge of our farmers. If they have been paid to speak like this than it becomes even more a serious matter of concern. It means they haven't spoken for anyone except for the MONEY. Tomorrow they can speak in favor or against anyone else with more money pocketed to them and create conflicts. Not many people in India were aware who RIHANNA and GRETA are before their tweet on FARMERS PROTEST but now they are famous in the world. So just analyze, what these celebrities got with their tweet, worldwide publicity and what my country got world wide bad image. Still we as INDIANS are endorsing their tweet. Aren't we so naïve कि   "हम अपना ही घर जला कर रौशनी बाँट रहे है " and innocently celebrating it also.

Does the farmers protest is a matter of concern, certainly yes... Should Government of India do something to solve this on urgent basis, absolutely on priority but it doesn't means we should seek support or sympathy from any outsiders. Every home has their own policies which may be acceptable to few family members and conflict with other ones but that doesn't means we invite or appreciate the intervention of our neighbors to resolve them. If farmers are INDIANS and their interest should be protected, so should my government be protected from such insane celebrities. These foreigners have a history of firstly creating a CONFLICT, followed by CONTROL and finally they will RULE. Let's think like an Indian not like a pro or anti government on such interferences. 

From heart I appreciate celebrities of our country as I have never seen them tweeting on internal affairs of any other country. The neutral path they have chosen for the farmers protest is also highly appreciable. Real respect for them for the way they respect sovereignty of other countries.

If, I was a leader of these farmers, my clear message to these foreign celebrities will be: This is my country, my home and my government. I may have conflict with them, I may protest against them but I will NOT accept any outsider support or intervention in my home. We don't need the endorsement of AMERICAN government in favor of law nor do we need tweet of these foreign celebrities in favor of the protest.                                                              ----- MANISH SHARMA, LIFE COACH

आग को  खेल पतंगों ने समझ रखा है, हर किसी को अंजाम का डर हो ये जरुरी तो नहीं 

तुमने जो ये मजमा लगा रखा है, इस मजमे का हर शख्श तुम्हारा हो ये भी जरुरी तो नहीं 
